Celebrate the Century: 1960s The Peace Corps


The Peace Corps was established in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy with the mission of promoting world peace and friendship. During the 1960s, the Peace Corps sent thousands of volunteers to 130 countries around the world. The volunteers provided valuable service to communities in need, and created meaningful relationships between the American people and people of other cultures.

The Celebrate the Century 1960s stamp was issued to commemorate the Peace Corps and the thousands of volunteers who have served the organization. The stamp features a white dove, representing peace, and a globe, representing the international nature of the Peace Corps. The design symbolizes the organization’s commitment to global understanding and friendship.


The 1960s was a time marked by major social and political changes, including the emergence of the Peace Corps. Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, the Peace Corps is a volunteer program that sends Americans abroad to help people in developing countries with their economic and social development. Since its inception, more than 230,000 Americans have served in 139 countries, and their work has impacted the lives of millions of people around the world.
The Peace Corps offers a unique opportunity to serve others and make a positive difference in the world. Volunteers are typically assigned to projects ranging from teaching, health care, and agricultural development, to promoting small business and environmental sustainability. In addition to helping with specific projects, Peace Corps volunteers are closely connected to the communities they serve and gain insight into the local culture.
The Peace Corps has been a major force in international relations since its inception, and it has helped to create a more peaceful, tolerant, and connected world. While the organization has faced criticism at times, its mission of service and global understanding remains strong. The Peace Corps continues to be an important part of the history of the 1960s and beyond.


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